

  • Claims Handling

    The most important feature in an insurance policy is what happens after a loss has occurred. Prosperity Restoration will handle every claim with a rapid response. As soon as a claim number is received we will provide photos and documentation of loss to the adjuster to get the claim handle faster and to get your home back to its previous structure and put the loss behind you.

    Filing an Insurance Claim

    Notify your insurance company as soon as possible if you have a claim. There should be a toll-free claims number on your policy. Most companies require you to tell them in writing, so follow up with a written notice with information about what happened.

    The following tips can help the claims process go more smoothly:

    • Review your policy to make sure you understand what it covers and what it doesn’t. If you’re not sure, ask your agent or the company to explain. Visit the Office of Public Insurance Counsel (OPIC) website to find coverage comparisons for most homeowners policies sold in Texas.
    • Have your policy number ready when you call your company. Be prepared to answer questions about the damage.
    • Take pictures or video the damaged area and property before you make repairs. This is especially important if you make repairs before your insurance adjuster has seen the damage.
    • Don’t throw away anything you removed from the house until your insurance adjuster has seen it.
    • Make reasonable repairs to protect your home and property from more damage, but don’t make structural or permanent repairs until your company says it’s OK.
    • Write down everything you spend on repairs and keep the receipts.
    • Keep a log that lists everyone you spoke with at your insurance company. Note the time, date, name of the person, and what you talked about. Follow up with the company in writing to confirm important details. Keep copies of letters or other documents you and your company send each other.
  • Commercial/Residential Mold Remediation

    Due to the health risks associated with mold exposure, it is best to have mold remediation conducted as soon as possible. Though the type of reaction depends upon the mold present, according to both the EPA and CDC all molds have the potential to cause health issues such as:

    • Headaches
    • Breathing difficulties
    • Persistent cough or cold symptoms
    • Burning or irritation of the eyes, nose, throat or lungs
    • Asthma attacks
    • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
    • Skin irritation
    • Allergic reactions
    • Opportunistic infections in immune-compromised individuals

    Mold remediation encompasses identifying and addressing mold issues in a structure. Mold remediation prevents the spread of mold by isolating damaged areas, removing affected material and eliminating moisture sources – the cause of the mold – in order to reestablish a healthy environment.

    Mold remediation involves mold clean up and removal Prosperity Restoration by specialists to address the damage and health risks associated with mold. Cleaning with bleach and water will not kill mold. Moldy material must be removed and the damaged area reconstructed; therefore mold remediation is best left to a professional trained to handle hazardous material and eliminate the spread of mold to other rooms.


  • Drying and Dehumidification

    When a home or business start giving signs
    Sticky, damp, clammy, dank, muggy, soggy, moist. If you’ve used any of those words to describe your Home or business, you could use a dehumidifier. With its drying power, a dehumidifier can not only make a space more comfortable but also prevent potential health issues that result from too much moisture in the air—humidity levels above 50 percent can breed dust mites, mildew, and mold, triggering allergies or other health problems.

    A dehumidifier uses a fan to move air in the room over refrigerated coils, removing moisture and collecting it in a tank. Dehumidifier makers all claim the units remove a given number of pints of water from the air at Prosperity Restoration our tests showed significant variability in their success at that task.

    Prosperity Restoration main goal is at the end of the Drying process is to make sure that the home or business is dried below 16% MC/moisture content. Once this is established now new Materials can be placed back into the home without concerns of trap moisture.

  • Demolition

    Demolition is one of the most important factors in drying and lowering your relative humidity. Trapped moisture is the moisture that is hiding behind your cabinets, drywall, installation, carpet pad, wood floors etc. In some cases these items will have to be removed or exposed in order to dry the structure properly, also cut in the drying time in half.

  • Remote Video

    Prosperity Restoration uses state of the art equipment and advanced techniques to remove the water quickly. Our remote video screen on our equipment give us the ability to track the progress of the drying process. We monitor our equipment from the office, tablets, smart phones, Checking on the drying process making sure that the RH/ relative humidity in your home or business is dropping to expedite the drying process and make sure your property is dried properly and thoroughly.

  • Inspection & Damage Assessment

    Water damage mitigation is something that must be dealt with quickly and effectively. Most insurance policies not only cover the cost of water damage mitigation, but also require the policyholder to take the necessary steps to prevent further loss and damage. Preventing the presence of mold growth is one of many concerns for those who have suffered from a water damage event, but it should not be the only, or primary concern. In fact, people have so many misconceptions about water damage and the potential for mold growth, that we decided to offer this consumer education message. When you need to select a water damage mitigation company, you can make an informed intelligent decision.

    Here are the steps you can take immediately following a water damage event to help minimize secondary damage, as well as precautions that should be taken during water damage mitigation to protect your health and safety. We’ve also listed seven questions you should ask a water damage mitigation company before inviting them into your home.

    Water damage mitigation is a specialized field requiring special protective measures, specialized equipment and testing capabilities, as well as certain engineering controls to protect you and your property. Most restoration contractors know how to perform simple drying and site clean up. Experienced companies, such as Prosperity Restoration, know how to provide Quality service that protect not only the structure, but also you and your family’s health.

  • Alarm Response

    Natural disasters can be traumatic events for your family and your home. These events can’t be predicted, and can completely change the course of your life. Here at Prosperity Restoration, we are proud to offer natural disaster refinishing to the people of Houston/Missouri City to ensure that your life gets back to normal as quickly as possible.
    While you may take simple steps to prepare, you can never completely anticipate a natural disaster like an earthquake, flood, or storm. These events have a huge impact on your home, and without the right restoration and refinishing company, you may deal with the repercussions for years to come.
    We work with your insurance company to restore your home and your belongings after a natural disaster. Our goal is to minimize your trauma and inconvenience when something out of your control affects.
    From the initial assessment of the damage to the final repair, we are with you every step of the way. Natural disasters rarely hit during working hours, and we strive to be available to you whenever you need us. When a disaster strikes your Houston/Missouri City home, come to the professionals that come quickly and get the job done right.
    We work to repair the interior and exterior of your home. From patios to drywall repair, we can do it all. While we specialize in Houston/Missouri City home remodeling and renovation, our expertise extends to home restoration after natural disasters and fires. We are here to repair your home and as quickly as possible to guarantee that the negative effect on your family is minimal.
    Give Us a Call
    When disaster strikes your Houston/Missouri City home and you aren’t sure where to turn, come to the experts that are personally invested in the outcome. We see our customers as our best advertisements, and believe that our work should speak for us. We are here to help you at (281) 827-2059 whenever you need us.

  • Specialist Water Services


    When disaster strikes in your Houston/Missouri City home or business, come to the professionals that know how to fix the problem quickly. Water damage from storms, leaks or floods can lead to serious problems for your home down the road if not taken care of quickly. Here at Prosperity Restoration, we specialize in water damage restoration, and we work hard to get your home back to its original shape as quickly as possible.

    Water damage can be caused by anything from a sewer line back up to ice damming on your roof. Regardless of the problem, we deal with it quickly and ensure that your home is healthy and dry before we leave.


    You have choices when it comes time to pick a Houston/Missouri City water damage restoration company, but you can count on us to offer you fast response times, affordable prices and work you can rely on.

    When water damages your home mold is a serious concern. If your Houston/Missouri City home isn’t dried out properly, small spores of mold can grow and ruin your home and health before they are even noticed.

    We make sure that your home and belongings are completely dry before we are done with our job. It takes training and experience to deal with mold and water damage successfully, and we have the tools and equipment needed to ensure that your home is protected now and in the future.

    We are always careful with your home and your belongings after water damage. We know that these can be emotional, inconvenient times for your family, and we do our best to get in, do our job, and let you get back to your life with as little fuss as possible.

    Give Us a Call
    When your home has water damage, come to the professional Houston/Missouri City company that comes as quickly as possible. Call us today at (281) 827-2059 to learn more about how we ensure that your home is safe after water damage strikes.